P. 71

Greece is an important cruise hub in the     around operations
                 Mediterranean with great potential for fur-
                 ther growth.                                 It is crucial we join forces here the cruise
                                                              industry, ports and the next Government
                 Having developed its homeporting capabil-    to ensure our guests from across the world
                 ities, the challenge now is for ports, cruise   can visit Greek destinations unimpeded and
                 operators,  and  authorities  to  create the   our crew can secure visas to serve them.
                 right infrastructure and operating environ-
                 ment for the long-term.                      All cruise brands here today stand ready to
                 To allow smooth operation we need to in-     invest and I would also like to encourage
                 vest in infrastructure.                      the port privatisation process and com-
                                                              mend the outstanding efforts of the Hellen-
                 This means ensuring that the specific needs   ic Republic Asset Development Fund
                 of cruise operations are considered as part
                 of the port infrastructure development,      We also encourage the next Greek Gov-
                 particularly in the context of the port priva-  ernment to consider a legal framework to
                 tisation process taking place now in Greece.  allow berth reservations for all maritime
                                                              activities including cruise and ferry to en-
                 It also means delivering smooth and effi-    sure better and safer operations in light of
                 cient border control  facilities  for  cruise   IMO and EU regulations.
                 passengers and crew.
                                                              We as an industry are always ready to en-
                 To maintain the attractiveness of Greece as   gage over crucial issues to find solutions as
                 a cruise hub, we need to work together to    we have over the misperception of over-
                 ensure that ports have enough resources      crowding.
                 available to process passengers.
                                                              A practical example of this dialogue in ac-
                 Not only today, but when the new Europe-     tion can be seen at the Acropolis in Athens.
                 an border control rules of Entry-Exit Sys-   Tour operators and cruise lines are work-
                 tem will be implemented and impact turn-     ing together to coordinate visit schedules

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