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and ensure that there is no overcrowding     CLIA commends the on-going efforts of
                 or parking congestion at this world-famous   Heraklion and Piraeus to deploy this capa-
                 site.                                        bility in the short term.

                 Elsewhere in Greece, CLIA is also partner-   As an industry, we make major investments
                 ing with the Global Sustainable Tourism      in sustainable technologies and fuels to con-
                 Council and city authorities on sustainable   tinuously improve our vessels’ environmen-
                 tourism assessments.                         tal performance using European suppliers
                                                              wherever possible.
                 We are ensuring that the value that we add
                 to the communities is not only economic,     Earlier this year we – CLIA - with SEA Eu-
                 but also environmental and social. This is   rope made an important joint declaration
                 paramount for us all. Here and everywhere    at our European Summit in Paris calling on
                 we operate.                                  European Institutions to recognize and pro-
                                                              tect our industry’s unique knowledge base.
                 To help the cruise industry deliver its goal
                 of net zero cruising by 2050, we need the    A knowledge base that can help solve the
                 right onshore solutions to match the tech-   climate challenges facing not just the mari-
                 nologies deployed onboard our ships.         time industry but society at large.

                 As per the EU institutions agreement on      For example, the latest vessels from my
                 FuelEUMaritime reached in April, we know     own brand MSC Cruises including MSC Eu-
                 235 ports in the EU must be shore power      ribia coming later this year are 55% more
                 ready by 2030, with the rest to follow by    efficient in terms of CO2 emissions per
                 2035                                         nautical mile than earlier vessel classes built
                                                              in 2009
                 We need ports to deploy, where feasible,
                 shoreside electricity capability which helps   We - the cruise industry - have made these
                 to reduce air emissions to the benefit of lo-  huge technological leaps in less than 15
                 cal populations.                             years and we are striving to reach our de-

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