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ranging from decarbonisation, port infra-    HATTA)  is hosting a workshop where
                 structure and safety requirements, to the    Andy Harmer, Managing Director, UK &
                 Poseidon principles, exploring the path-     Ireland, CLIA and other industry experts
                 ways to achieve net zero and challenges      will discuss how Travel Agents can bene-
                 to be overcome.                              fit from increased demand for cruise hol-
                 Increasing awareness about careers in
                 the cruise industry is another priority for   Cruise lines have a track record of
                 CLIA, especially in light of 2023 being the   working with destinations to introduce
                 European Year of Skills. Maria Deligianni,   tourism management solutions that main-
                 National Director – Eastern Mediterra-       tain a great visitor experience. Cruise
                 nean, CLIA, will be among panellists of      tourism is managed tourism, which means
                 ‘YES to SEApping Forum’ tomorrow, sup-       that effective planning  can be  made  in
                 porting this important initiative to inform   advance.  Investment  in  new  port  desti-
                 young people about  the role of shipping     nations and  facilities could play  a pivotal
                 and sea tourism in the blue economy and      role in unlocking future growth potential,
                 promoting the opportunity for Greece to      while  reducing pressure  on “marquee”
                 build the skills of the next generation of   destinations.
                                                              With anticipated passenger volumes
                 The opportunity for new destinations         of 27-33 million ocean-going guests
                 to  enrich  the  cruise  lines’  itineraries as   globally in 2023, a buoyed consumer sen-
                 well as the increasing importance of less-   timent with intention to cruise higher
                 er-known destinations are also on the        than before the pandemic, and its focus
                 agenda. CLIA, in association  with the       on sustainable travels, the cruise industry
                 Federation of Hellenic Associations          can be rightfully optimistic for the future.
                 of Tourist & Travel Agencies (Fed-

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