P. 70

There are also the benefits of expenditures   op our product in this region.
                 by passengers during their stay, includ-
                 ing for services, food, entertainment, and   And for hosting us today!
                                                              Ladies and gentlemen, cruising is a sound
                 Every cruise tourist at the port of embarka-  and compelling investment for coastal com-
                 tion typically spends more than 400 Euro,    munities.
                 while the amount at the ports visited along
                 the ship’s itinerary is estimated to be at   In fact, 6 out of 10 cruise travellers return
                 least 100 Euro a passenger.                  to the destinations they visited on a cruise
                                                              for longer stays.
                 Supplying, maintaining, and refuelling our
                 ships also adds more jobs at homeports.      This generates opportunities for local busi-
                                                              nesses to develop and market their prod-
                 Many Greek ports and destinations are do-    ucts and services to new, wider audiences.
                 ing great work to become more attractive
                 for cruise tourism.                          In turn stimulating the broader tourism in-
                                                              dustry for tour operators, ferry companies
                 Our hosts today deserve a special mention.   and other players in the sector.

                 Thanks to their work and collaboration       Today, as our industry moves into the next
                 with cruise lines, Thessaloniki is increasing-  phase of its development, we are looking to
                 ly being included in itineraries.            further extend our reach across the East-
                                                              ern Med.
                 This has the potential of bringing the broad-
                 er economic and job creation benefits of     Greece has many destinations to visit, in-
                 cruise tourism to neighbouring states.       cluding smaller islands, and we are proud
                                                              that we can discover them through seg-
                 I’d like to thank Mr Liagkos, the Chairman   ments of our cruise industry like luxury and
                 of the Port Authority, for helping us devel-  expedition, and promote them.

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