P. 73

carbonisation objectives by 2050.            85% of those who cruised in the past are
                                                              likely  to  cruise  again  –  6%  higher  than  in
                 And we are encouraged to see that Greece     2019.
                 is setting itself on the path to become a
                 leader like the cruise industry in this discus-  The number of people who would like to
                 sion on new technologies and fuels – and     try a cruise vacation is also higher now.
                 we stand ready to work with your authori-
                 ties and institutions!                       Crucial to the realisation of this plan is bas-
                                                              ing it on solid and robust data that we have
                 Also, and most importantly, sustainable      committed to provide to the Greek author-
                 growth lies with our people.                 ities.

                 The long-term success of any industry de-    So, thanks to Posidonia and our organisers
                 pends on the talent and skills of its people.  for bringing us together for this special mo-
                 There is a great opportunity for Greece, a
                 maritime nation, to build the skills of the   I now look forward to hearing from our
                 next generation of seafarers.                panellists how we can maximise this poten-
                                                              tial together.
                 CLIA is participating in the YES to SEApping
                 Forum this week, an important initiative to   In Thessaloniki, in Greece, and across the
                 inform young people about the role of ship-  Eastern Med.
                 ping and sea tourism in the blue economy.
                                                              Thank you.
                 As we look to the future, our optimism is
                 buoyed by positive consumer sentiment.
                 CLIA’s research suggests that the intention
                 to cruise is higher than it was before the

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