P. 78
Figure 1: Number of cruise movements (millions) in Mediterranean ports that are
members of the MedCruise association from 2000 to 2019
(Source: Cruise Activities in MedCruise Ports | STATISTICS REPORT 2019)
The Mediterranean Sea is also a popular role in maritime tourism by enabling new
destination forsailing, a vast and heteroge- positive trends for the future. In addition,
neous area comprising both small vessels it can be expected that the pandemic has
(<24 m) and large vessels (yachts >24 m increased public awareness of the envi-
and mega-yachts >34 m). This sector is ronmental compatibility and sustainabil-
attracted by the seascape, bays, and is- ity of the sector, particularly formajor
lands of the Mediterranean, as well as by cruises. The recent health crisis as well
the high number of facilities for nautical as environmental and social sustainability
activities, mainly located along the north- issues are shaping the future of the sec-
ern coasts of the basin. Most of the plea- tor, drawing attention to the importance
sure boats that circulate in the Mediterra- of initiatives to improve the safeguarding
nean are less than 24 meters long, but the of safety, health and the environment, and
number of large yachts is increasing, inline ultimately the well-being of Mediterra-
with global trends. A large proportion of nean communities.
the world’s mega-yachts (around 70%)
sail in the Mediterranean year-round, with A source of employment and dynamism
marinas generally close to full occupancy in the region, the recreational boating and
of their capacity, especially inEU-Western cruising sectors also have significant envi-
Mediterranean countries and in high sea- ronmental impacts (e.g. emissions of gases
son. and fine particles, impact on marine fauna
and flora, noise and light pollution). The
Although the global COVID-19 crisis challenge is to encourage and support the
has marked a sharp interruption to the transition of these two sectors towards
growing trends in cruising and boating, the environmental and social sustainability,
Mediterranean will most likely resume its in line with the Sustainable Development