P. 79

Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030      and, more recently, the EU’s approach to
                 Agenda, the Objectives of the Mediter-       a sustainable blue economy and the Euro-
                 ranean Strategy for Sustainable Develop-     pean Commission’s Sustainable and Smart
                 ment 2016-2025 (MSSD) of the Barcelona       Mobility Strategy.
                 Convention, the European Green Deal

                 Plan Bleu activities:

                 Development of guidelines for the

                 sustainability of cruises and recreational

                 boating in the Mediterranean

                 The recommendations of the Interreg          munity, MED Sustainable Tourism Com-
                 MEDInnoBlueGrowth        project   (2016-    munity  and  Mediterranean  Community
                 2019), of which Plan Bleu was partner,       for Biodiversity Conservation), the guide-
                 highlighted the lack of common rules in      lines were based on the establishment of
                 the cruise and boating sector in the Med-    a participatory process as well as on the
                 iterranean region, as well as the need to    work carried out within the framework of
                 adopt  environmentally  sustainable  prac-   the BlueBoatsMed.
                 tices. Thus, as part of the 2nd phase of
                 the Blue Growth Community’s Interreg         The guidelines should provide Mediter-
                 MED project,Plan Bleu set out to produce     ranean decision-makers and stakehold-
                 guidelines for the sustainability of cruis-  ers with an evidence-based sustainability
                 es and boating in the Mediterranean re-      roadmap to exploit the opportunities of
                 gion. Capitalizing on the results produced   both sectors while mitigating their nega-
                 by specific modular projects of the three    tive effects on marine and coastal ecosys-
                 Interreg Med communities dealing with        tems, associated biodiversity, climate, air
                 cruising and yachting (Blue Growth Com-      quality and local communities.

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