P. 81

Objectives of these guidelines:

                 A participatory process has been ad-         of relevance and feasibility for each sector.
                 opted to develop these guidelines and a      May 2021: a second survey gathered stake-
                 working group of about a hundred actors      holder input on good practices in terms of
                 has been set up by Plan Bleu, bringing to-   sustainability in each of the cruise, ports,
                 gether representatives of the private sec-   boating and marina sectors.
                 tor, local, national, and regional authori-  Finally, three online workshops were or-
                 ties, NGOs, researchers, and international   ganised  to  present  the  draft  guidelines,
                 organizations working in the sector. Two     discuss the results of the surveys and gath-
                 Interreg Med project communities, of         er input from stakeholders to the global
                 which Plan Bleu is part, are also partners in   document:
                 this initiative: the Blue Growth Communi-
                 ty and the Mediterranean Community for       The first workshopon 23 November
                 the Protection of Biodiversity. The road-    2020 was an opportunity for the various
                 map development process is co-financed       partners to address the main issues fore-
                 by the Mediterranean Trust Fund, the Eu-     shadowing the development of the guide-
                 ropean Regional Development Fund and         lines, including definitions of sustainability
                 the French Development Agency.               in the cruise and port sectors.

                                                              On 25 May 2021, a workshop was orga-
                 Stakeholders were                            nized specifically dedicated to the cruise

                 consulted in three                           and port sectorsin order to specifically ad-

                 phases: April 2021:                          dress the challenges related to these two
                                                              sectors and to identify good practices.

                 A first survey developed a common vi-        On June 9, 2021,  the  third  workshop
                 sion of the sustainability of the cruise and   was dedicated to the recreational boating
                 recreational boating sectors and identified   and marina sectors, always with a view
                 sustainability goals. Stakeholders were      to agreeing on the issues and identifying
                 also asked to assign each objective a score   good practices.

                                                                                                   i GR E E C E  TR A V E L
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83