P. 69

tracting 21% of the world’s cruise travel-   place, cruising starting with the yards gen-
                 lers.                                        erated 41 billion Euro of economic impact
                                                              across the Continent, supporting 315,000
                 During the downturn, European govern-        European jobs.
                 ments led the way by working collabora-
                 tively with us, particularly in the East Med.  In fact, the economic impact that cruise
                                                              tourism brought to this country surpassed
                 Together, we took the necessary steps to     1 billion Euro and generated more than
                 enable a phased, safe and responsible re-    15,000 jobs.
                 turn to service.
                                                              In Greece today, the economic benefits
                 And here I want to convey a special thanks   from the tourists that come to these shores
                 to Greece, and in particular the University   on  cruise  ships  are  already  higher  than  in
                 of Thessaly, and Professor Christos Had-     2019.
                                                              This is in part thanks to the great work by
                 They were a key part of the EU Healthy       local authorities to increase homeporting
                 Gateways project to support the restart      operations in Greece.
                 of our vessels here in the region, and in
                 Greece itself during the pandemic emer-      Last year,  47 of  the 87 CLIA  cruise  ships
                 gency.                                       that operated in Greece homeported – a
                                                              remarkable 54%.
                 And they continue with their important in-
                 put through the EU Healthy Sailing – Hori-   Homeporting brings the strongest econom-
                 zon Europe Project.                          ic benefits for any destination.

                 The  cruise industry  benefits  local  econo-  It increases the time that tourists spend
                 mies here and across the whole of Europe.    ashore both before and after the cruise, in-
                                                              cluding demand for accommodation.
                 In 2021 for example with restrictions still in

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