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his keynote speech that opened the Fo-       one of the world’s favorite places to visit.
                 rum today.                                   And this magnificent region still offers so
                                                              many more places to discover, best to be
                 The key actions proposed are working         discovered by sea. Cruise tourism is a real
                 together to: promote new destinations,       opportunity for new destinations like re-
                 create  the  right  port  infrastructure  and   mote island and coastline areas, bringing
                 operating environment, develop sustain-      important social and economic benefits to
                 able tourism practices, introduce onshore    more communities”, said Marie-Caroline
                 solutions to match environmental tech-       Laurent, Director General, CLIA.
                 nologies deployed onboard and support
                 development of new fuels, and build the      The CLIA team addressed all major
                 skills of the next generation of seafarers.  topics  and key priorities for the indus-
                                                              try by participating in panel discussions
                 Mr. Vago is leading a high-level CLIA        and organizing special sessions and work-
                 delegation at the Forum, including           shops. Sustainable cruising is on the top
                 Marie-Caroline Laurent, Director Gen-        of these priorities, as CLIA members are
                 eral, Europe, Sascha Gill, Vice President,   committed to delivering the vision of net
                 Sustainability, Maria Deligianni, National   zero cruising by 2050 and are acting now
                 Director – Eastern Mediterranean,  and       to make this vision a reality – by equipping
                 Andy Harmer, Managing Director, UK &         ships to connect to shoreside electricity,
                 Ireland.                                     reducing emissions for the benefit of local
                                                              populations, investing in the development
                 The importance of the Mediterra-             of  new  sustainable marine fuels and  on-
                 nean region  in post-pandemic cruising       board technologies.
                 was among the top issues discussed at the
                 opening of the Forum.                        CLIA organised a session today on
                                                              “Pathways to Net Zero”,  moderated
                 “With such vibrancy and diversity of         by  Sascha  Gill,  Vice  President,  Sustain-
                 cultures,  the Mediterranean region is       ability, CLIA. The session covered topics

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