P. 63

9       Plan for a lot of walking…and a        the ocean.  It’s just flat.  That is not true in

                        lot of hills.
                                                               Europe so expect to see hills and moun-
                        The first time I visited the Mediter-
                        ranean Sea, the thing that surprised
                 me the most was the mountains that sur-       Expect that many of the best places to vis-
                 rounded the beach.                            it in the port cities will involve you walk-
                                                               ing up those hills.  And even if the terrain
                 Here on the eastern coast of the United       is flat, you’re still going to do a lot of walk-
                 States both the Gulf of Mexico and the        ing.  Just think of it as a way to work off
                 Atlantic have no elevation anywhere near      the calories from the buffet.
                10            Plan, but be flexible.           quick research in my guide books and on-

                                                               line while we still had service and came up
                              Everything is not going to go
                              exactly as planned.  No mat-
                                                               with some ideas of what to do.  It ended
                              ter how well you plan and no
                 matter how many Mediterranean cruise          up being one of my favorite ports because
                                                               it was manageable and felt like a real Ital-
                 tips you read, there will be a hiccup some-   ian town instead of the big tourist cities!
                                                               Expect things may not go exactly as
                 We  thought  we  were  docking  in Naples     planned due to weather or other factors
                 for one of our ports and ended up in          outside of the cruise line’s control.
                 Salerno.  Once we found out I did some

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