P. 73

“Food and the experiences that surround      young chefs to serve as global culinary
                 the destination is a very powerful medi-     ambassadors.
                 um, one that creates life-long memories.
                 It creates a desire to return, to explore    Emerging talents have earned mul-
                 more and share these experiences with        tiple wins for traditional local dishes in
                 others” he says.                             competitions such as European Young
                                                              Chef. The region’s restaurants also figure
                 In 2019, the South Aegean was                prominently in the annual Greek Cuisine
                 named European Region of Gastron-            Awards.
                 omy in recognition of its efforts to sup-
                 port local food heritage and position the    Central to the region’s efforts is the
                 archipelago as an attractive culinary des-   Aegean Cuisine (, a
                 tination. To achieve this distinction, the   quality control programme and network
                 region worked to increase the number of      embracing producers and restaurants.
                 certified and labelled key local products,
                 create local products from native ingredi-
                 ents that travellers can sample and enable

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