P. 74
The Cyclades: Islands to wine, fishing trips where you can cook
brimming with flavour your catch and cooking classes. One of
the best ways to fully immerse yourself in
One look at its sandy beaches and the local culinary culture is to time your
sparse, rocky landscapes bathed in sun- visit with a festival. Communities gather
shine and lashed by summer’s cooling together to celebrate the harvest of spe-
meltemi winds, one could be forgiven for cific produce, seasonal fish or a traditional
thinking that the Cyclades are lacking in beverage and guests are always more than
agricultural products. On the contrary, welcome.
the islands are brimming with wonderful
raw ingredients. Wherever your travels take you in
the South Aegean, be bold in your ex-
Each island has its own micro-climate, plorations of the region’s vast culinary of-
which has played a key role in the evolu- ferings. Ask questions, strive to seek out
tion of traditional local dishes. It is pre- traditional products and dishes and en-
cisely this harsh geological distinctiveness, courage chefs experimenting with innova-
much of it borne from volcanic activity tive iterations of the classics. Supporting
and minimal rainfall, that blesses the earth small-scale farmers, fishermen and food
with minerals which lend an incomparable artisans in this remarkable region is a crit-
richness of flavour to produce. ical lifeline for the long-term survival of
the South Aegean’s inimitable gastronom-
The Dodecanese: ic heritage.
A multi-ethnic mashup
After all, the beaches, sunsets and
Characterised by soaring mountains, mountain landscapes have drawn mil-
fertile hillsides and rugged rockfaces paint- lions of visitors from every corner of the
ed in hues of rust, terracotta and ochre, planet to its shores.
the landscapes of the Dodecanese reflect
the warmth and verve of their inhabitants. Gastronomy, however, is one of the
many reasons they will keep them
In the Dodecanese, farm-to-table coming back.
comes with the territory. Restaura-
teurs often maintain their own gardens or
own a fishing caique, sourcing only what
is in season and letting nature dictate the
day’s menu.
Foodie experiences
Throughout the South Aegean, devout
foodies can sample the region’s delica-
cies in myriad ways. Take your pick from
shopping at farmers’ markets, in-depth
food tours, tastings ranging from olive oil