P. 71

Welcome to the Region of South Aegean

                 When it comes to Greece, one of the

                 major draw-cards for its 30 million plus

                 visitors is the country’s cuisine.

                 And in the South Aegean, which constitutes

                 the Cyclades and Dodecanese islands,

                 the array of culinary experiences available

                 to visitors is as delightfully diverse as the

                 islands themselves.

                W             ith its unique agricultur-      of those who occupied the region over

                                                              the centuries cannot be understated. Ev-
                              al produce grown in min-
                                                              idence of the Venetians, Romans, Byzan-
                              eral-rich earth, tasty fish
                              and seafood sourced from
                 the waters of the deep blue Aegean and       tines, Ottomans and Arabs can be detect-
                                                              ed in many regional island dishes. These
                 countless homely traditional dishes, the     influences made their way into households
                 South Aegean is a rich repository of Greek   and home cooks had to devise resourceful
                 gastronomic heritage.                        ways to turn humble ingredients into hy-
                                                              per-local specialities.
                 From  the  Cycladic  isle  of  Kea at the
                 west edge to the Dodecanese cousin           Today, plenty of these classic dishes can
                 Kastellorizo at the east edge, the impact    still be found in tavernas, mezedopolia and

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