P. 72

ouzeries. At the same time, many restau-     The culinary connection to
                 rants in the region have put a 21st-centu-   tourism in the South Aegean
                 ry creative spin on the standards. Chefs
                 take  inspiration from traditional dishes    South Aegean Region Governor,
                 or reinvent recipes from scratch, while      George Hatzimarkos says that the Cy-
                 maintaining the core elements that distin-   cladic and Dodecanese islands’ successful
                 guish them.                                  evolution as tourism destinations is widely

                                                              known. “What might be much less obvi-
                 For Greeks, food has never mere-             ous  is  the  fact  that  the  region’s  culinary
                 ly served as sustenance. From slowly         offerings have served as a key factor in
                 and lovingly preparing a meal, often with    this success,” he says.
                 whatever one has in the pantry and fridge,
                 to sitting down to share it with family and   The  work  of those  who produce  lo-
                 friends, dining is a communal celebration,   cal products,  together with chefs and
                 one that is integral to the nation’s culture.   restaurants on the islands have made a
                 And nowhere is this more evident than in     significant impact on the course of tour-
                 the South Aegean.                            ism in the region, says Mr Hatzimarkos.

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