P. 68

olive oil, or perhaps grilled steak from the   like you’re listening to the soul of the city.
                 meadows of the area. In the evening, if
                 you fancy a drink, how about a cocktail      The most heartwarming aspect of
                 based on tsipouro?                           Thessaloniki’s culture is how welcom-
                                                              ing and accepting its residents are to visi-
                 For many, this city is the youth capi-       tors and tourists worldwide.
                 tal of Greece. Considered an ideal place
                 to study, Thessaloniki hosts thousands of    This hospitality comes from tourism being
                 students and young people, making the        a significant part of the city’s economy to
                 nights vivid and intense. The bars of Thes-  the point where the locals have been born
                 saloniki pop up among the shops with the     and raised to show everyone from around
                 roar of entertainment to make you feel       the world the true beauty of Thessaloniki.

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