P. 78
The Standard Bearers end accommodations, fine dining, and
exclusive activities, the islands of Rhodes,
When it comes to the Greek islands Mykonos, and Santorini offer an impres-
and the concept of a luxury vacation, two sive catalog of each. In fact, Rhodes, a long-
names immediately spring to mind: Myko- standing member of Greece’s big three is-
nos and Santorini. From high-end hotels, land destinations along with Mykonos and
private villas, and charter yachts to fine Santorini, that first came to prominence
dining, stylish boutiques, and bespoke as a travel destination in the 1920s, bears
experiences, these Cycladic sisters know today an impressive catalogue of premi-
how to deliver, even for the most discern- um accommodations, including five-star
ing guests. resorts and sumptuous villas. The movie
industry played a definitive role in Rhodes’
With its whitewashed houses, dramat- tourism development, with Hollywood
ic caldera cliffs, and navy-blue seas, San- blockbusters like The Guns of Navarone
torini has long attracted travelers from filmed there. Anthony Quinn, Aristot-
around the world. Mykonos, renowned le Onassis, and Winston Churchill spent
for its iconic windmills, glamorous beach time on the island, attracting other jetset-
bars, and buzzing nightlife, also draws a ters in their wake.
well-heeled crowd. Both islands offer a
wide array of elegant accommodations, Elsewhere in the Dodecanese, Kos—
inventive restaurants, and one-of-a-kind renowned as the birthplace of Hippo-
experiences. One moment you could be crates—has long been a popular beach
enjoying a private wine tasting at a fami- destination among holidaymakers. Today,
ly-owned estate or savoring a lavish meal visitors can choose from a wide assort-
prepared by a chef in the privacy of your ment of five-star seafront hotels, including
villa, and the next, embarking on a sunset adults-only and all-inclusive family-friend-
catamaran cruise. ly options.
Cruise lines, hotels, local guides, and A Culinary Revolution
event planners have taken notice of these
trending islands and are bringing even For decades, the South Aegean has
more plushly appointed ships, accommo- been renowned for its welcoming fish
dations, and activities to each. Santorini tavernas by the sea and casual mezedo-
and Mykonos have certainly elevated the polia (taverns) in the mountains. Culinary
bar for high-end travel experiences, not travelers can choose from a wide variety
only within Greece but throughout the of dining options. On Rhodes, for exam-
Mediterranean and beyond. However, ple, five-star hotels have paved the way in
while the two South Aegean superstars redefining Greek cuisine. In recent years,
represent the gold standard of luxury several resorts have launched restaurants
travel, they are certainly not alone in their helmed by talented chefs who focus on
opulent offerings. sourcing the majority of ingredients local-
ly. On the same island, you can still find
Sumptuous Stays comforting tavernas that serve traditional
local dishes.
For travelers with a taste for high-