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enhances the overall dining experience in    hiking, birdwatching, horse-riding, fresh-
                 Greece.                                      water canoeing, rafting and mountaineer-
                                                              ing. These activities showcase Greece’s
                 In Harmony with Nature:                      forests, rugged gorges, tranquil lakes, ex-
                 Eco-Friendly Adventures                      pansive olive and citrus groves, and vine-
                 in Greece’s Diverse Land-                    yards, all contributing to an unparalleled
                 scapes                                       experience of natural beauty.

                 For nature enthusiasts,  Greece of-          Islands of Innovation:
                 fers a multitude of eco-friendly activities  Greece’s Sustainable,
                 that allow for a deep connection with  Vehicle-Free Havens
                 the environment without causing harm.
                 The country’s diverse landscapes, from       Greece’s islands are not just paradis-
                 the towering peaks of Mt. Olympus to         es of natural beauty; they are also at the
                 the  serene  national parks  of the Pindus   forefront of sustainable living. On smaller
                 Mountain range, provide ideal settings for   islands, cars are often unnecessary, and

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