P. 58

Taste the Earth: Exploring                   ture still follows the seasons. Local farm-
                 Greece’s  Organic  and  Sea-                 ers’ markets, known as laiki, play a central
                 sonal Culinary Delights                      role, offering a wide variety of seasonal in-
                                                              gredients—wild asparagus in April, cher-
                 Greek cuisine is a celebration of fresh,     ries in May, and figs in September. Each
                 local produce. A strong tradition of         season brings its own distinctive flavours
                 homegrown fruits and vegetables, cou-        and dishes.
                 pled with a high organic production rate,
                 ensures that food is not only delicious but   Eating seasonally is also healthier and
                 also  environmentally  friendly.  Seasonal   more flavourful, aligning with the Medi-
                 eating is a way of life for Greeks, reducing   terranean diet’s well-documented health
                 the need for intensive farming and mini-     benefits. Each cycle of the year offers
                 mizing environmental impact, especially in   unique produce, allowing for a deeper
                 the free-range rearing of sheep and goats.   appreciation of what each season brings
                 In Athens, despite its increasingly multi-   to the table. This approach not only sup-
                 cultural food scene, traditional food cul-   ports sustainable food practices but also

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