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to tiny artisanal workshops that handcraft   handcrafted jewellery still burns strong
                 exquisite bespoke evening and speciality     throughout Greece. Regions across the
                 footwear, you’ll be spoilt for choice when   country—from the village of Stemnitsa
                 it comes to handmade shoes and sandals       in the mountains of the Peloponnese to
                 in Greece-even if what you’re looking        the city of Ioannina in Epirus, northwest-
                 for is a little bit… niche, such as the cre-  ern Greece, and the island of Rhodes in
                 ations of Kogias Art, whose portfolio of     the southeastern Aegean Sea-boast proud
                 traditional and historical Greek footwear    silver- and goldsmithing traditions that go
                 includes  wearable  versions  of  the  iconic   back generations and are still practised by
                 Greek tsarouhi (the red pom-pom tipped       dedicated artisans today. The Silversmith-
                 ceremonial shoe of the Greek Presidential    ing Museum in Ioannina and the Folklore
                 Guard) handcrafted in their studio in the    Museum of Stemnitsa are fantastic places
                 village of Kastania in Thessaly.             to start exploring Greece’s local jewellery
                                                              making traditions.
                 Meanwhile, your next trip to Greece is
                 the perfect excuse to pick up a gorgeous     As a result, Greece is today home to
                 new bag or handcrafted wallet from one       a fabulously varied range of jewellery
                 of the many fabulous local brands, includ-   styles and a vibrant contemporary
                 ing Callista, a women-run brand whose        jewellery scene. From designers whose
                 handbags and accessories are handmade        work is inspired by Greek culture and heri-
                 by skilled craftswomen in Athens, and        tage—including Marianna Lemos, with her
                 HAK Studios, which draws inspiration         recurrent traditional mati (evil eye) mo-
                 from  the  centuries-old  fur  making  tradi-  tifs, and Elli Lyraraki, a jewellery and foot-
                 tions of its founder’s hometown Kastoria     wear designer known for her collections
                 to translate traditional craftsmanship into   inspired by Minoan culture-to brands that
                 contemporary handcrafted pieces.             favour more raw or wildly creative styles-
                                                              such  as  Noilence  and  Venyx-and  from
                 Jewellery                                    there to hole-in-the-wall ateliers all over

                                                              the country, wherever you find yourself
                 The right piece of jewellery can com-        in Greece you’ll find plenty of opportuni-
                 plete  and  elevate any look and can         ties to marvel at local talent and get your
                 sometimes be a look in its own right,        hands on some marvellous one-of-a-kind
                 especially when it carries within it a mil-  pieces crafted by skilled artisans.
                 lennia-old heritage of masterful silver-
                 and goldsmithing. Ancient Greeks loved       Of course, Greece is also home to
                 their gold and some of the best examples     numerous internationally acclaimed
                 of truly vintage pieces of jewellery can     high-end designers such as Nikos Kou-
                 be seen today at the National Archaeo-       lis, Yannis Sergakis, and Christina Soubli,
                 logical  Museum  in  Athens,  which  houses   whose pieces are often seen on celebri-
                 the breathtaking finds from the Bronze       ties and red carpets worldwide, as well as
                 Age royal tombs at Mycenae as well as a      Katerina Makriyianni, who famously col-
                 permanent jewellery exhibit, with pieces     laborated with Christian Louboutin for the
                 spanning the period from the Geometric       Capsule Greekaba collection. We’d be re-
                 to the Roman times.                          miss not to mention the late legendary Ili-
                                                              as Lalaounis, a pioneer of Greek jewelery
                 The passion for creating exquisite           and internationally renowned goldsmith,

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