P. 52
is the perfect destination for those look- folk and ethnographic museums, whilst
ing to get their hands on fresh designs and not exclusively dedicated to traditional
discover hot new brands. Sound good? dress, are also likely to have some fantas-
Then make sure to give yourself an extra tic examples of the local styles of clothing
day or two in Athens to explore the city for each region.
and discover its numerous local designers
and unique shops. To delve even deeper into the histo-
ry and craftsmanship of clothing and
Brands to look out for include The Ar- textile design in Greece, you can vis-
tians, with its bold prints and colours in- it museums such as the Art of Silk Mu-
spired by Greek symbols and embroidery seum in Soufli, in the Evros borderlands
traditions, and others including Badila, of northeastern Greece, the Ermoupolis
Cristina Beautiful Life, Karavan, Mallory Textile Museum on the Aegean island of
the Label, and Milkwhite. You’ll also find Syros, and Ifenin, an interactive exhibition
a number of homegrown urban fashion on the weaving arts, in Athens.
and street style brands, such as Hard.Clo,
MeThen, Mohxa, and luxury streetwear Leather Goods
brand Sneakaces.
When you think of Greece and leath-
True Originals erwork, your first thought might be
“sandals!”-naturally, given the countless
While you’re exploring the world of depictions of sandals of all kinds on An-
fashion and style in Greece, why not cient Greek pottery, statues and frescoes.
take the opportunity to find out how it all Indeed, artisans across the country con-
began? Several museums all over Greece tinue to build on those ancient skills, from
are dedicated to showcasing the many dif- contemporary brands such as Ancient
ferent regional styles of traditional Greek Greek Sandals, whose Grecian-inspired
dress and the incredible level of crafts- footwear and accessories are handmade
manship involved in each intricate design. locally by skilled craftsmen using tradi-
The Costume Museum of the Lykeion tional techniques passed down through
ton Ellinidon (CMLE), also known as the the centuries, to family businesses that
Museum of the History of the Greek Cos- have been passing down their craft from
tume, in Athens, boasts a remarkable col- generation to generation, with examples
lection of regional costumes and jewellery including Olgianna Melissinos Sandals, a
that span a period from antiquity (with third generation sandal maker located in
costumes of Minoan, Ancient Greek and Athens’s Monastiraki neighbourhood, and
Byzantine inspiration) to the early urban Pagonis, who have been handcrafting An-
societies of the 19th and 20th centuries. cient Greek-style sandals on the Aegean
Other notable museums across Greece island of Naxos for over 80 years.
include the Costume Museum of Kastoria
in Northern Greece as well as the Victoria But there’s so much more to Greek
Karelias Collection of Traditional Greek leatherworking tradition than just
Costumes in Kalamata and the Basil Pa- Grecian sandals. From brands such as
pantoniou Foundation (formerly Pelopon- Elina Linardaki, whose handmade co-
nesian Folklore Foundation) in Naflpio, lourful loafers and flamboyant sandals are
both in the Peloponnese. Smaller local popular in over 70 countries worldwide,