P. 61

Beyond the Beach:                            joyable but also environmentally respon-
                 Discover Greece’s                            sible.
                 Pioneering Eco-Initiatives
                                                              Time Stands Still:

                 Across Greece, innovative eco-ini-           Embracing Slow Travel and
                 tiatives are reshaping the travel ex-        Off-Season Exploration in
                 perience. On Paxi islands, the “Pick the     Greece
                 Alien” initiative encourages the consump-
                 tion of invasive fish species to protect lo-  Greece’s    Mediterranean       climate,
                 cal marine ecosystems, while on the island   boasting over 250 days of sunshine
                 of  Samothrace,  the  “Happy  Goat”  app     each year, makes it an ideal destination
                 helps manage the local goat population to    no matter the season. For environmental-
                 preserve its natural beauty. Each of these   ly conscious travelers, visiting outside the
                 initiatives offers a chance to engage with   peak season offers numerous advantages.
                 and support sustainable practices, making    Traveling in the off-season, particularly in
                 your journey through Greece not only en-     April,  October, or  even  during  the mild

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