P. 62

winter months, not only means enjoying       porting sustainable travel.  Athens offers
                 smaller crowds but also significantly re-    rewarding walking routes that showcase
                 duces the strain on the country’s tourism    its diversity. Hike up Lycabettus Hill and
                 infrastructure. These quieter months re-     enjoy the panoramic views, wander in
                 veal a different, yet equally captivating,   the serene gardens of the Stavros Niar-
                 side of Greece—one that seasoned trav-       chos Foundation Cultural Centre (SNF-
                 elers are increasingly drawn to.             CC), and make sure you visit the National
                                                              Garden in the city centre. Seaside prom-
                 You can visit Athens on foot, espe-          enades along the Athens Riviera also pro-
                 cially in the off-season, which enhances     vide relaxing strolls by the water.
                 your connection with the city while sup-

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