P. 20

Βy John N. Parashis,

                                                              CEO of Athens

                                                              International Airport

        As a key stakeholder in the                           ering will allow us to collectively harness the mo-

        tourism and travel chain,                             mentum and potential of Greek tourism, while also
                                                              addressing travellers’ evolving needs  worldwide.

        Athens International Airport is keenly sup-
        porting HATTA’s initiative to welcome WTAAA           This prestigious event not only underlines our
        and ECTAA members to Greece for this year’s           country’s position as a top global destination, but
        General Assembly and Global Gathering.                also reinforces the vital role that Greek tourism
                                                              professionals play in shaping the future of sustain-
                                                              able travel and hospitality.
        HATTA has long been at the forefront of                                                             C
        advancing Greek tourism through strategic part-                                                     M
        nerships, innovative projects, and an unwavering                                                    Y
        commitment to elevating the quality of the tour-                                                    CM
        ism experience in our country.
        In 2024, Greece continues to surpass mile-
        stones in tourism, with our industry embracing a      John N. Parashis,                             CMY
        new chapter of growth and innovation. This gath-      CEO of Athens International Airport           K

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