P. 16

Βy Haris Doukas

                                                              The Mayor of Athens

        Dear friends,                                         opportunities while addressing challenges respon-
                                                              sibly. We envision a future where Athens thrives
        As I welcome you, I am filled                         as both a top destination and a community where
                                                              residents flourish.
        with optimism and excitement
        for the future of Athens.                             Through engagement with our communities, we
                                                              aspire to create experiences that reflect the es-

        We are dedicated to nurturing a vibrant commu-        sence of Athenian life. Our partnerships with key
        nity while carefully balancing the need to preserve   local stakeholders such as FEDHATTA and HAT-
        Athens as a thriving centre for future generations.   TA will continue to grow, ensuring our progress
        Our  vision respects  our  past  while  eagerly  em-  is inclusive, fair, and sustainable. Together, we
        bracing the promise of what lies ahead.               embark on this transformative journey, reinforc-
                                                              ing our commitment to visitor satisfaction and
        Athens has emerged as a premier destination for       the well-being of our community. By drawing on
        leisure travellers and a hub for international busi-  our resilience, creativity, and heritage, Athens can
        ness events and conferences. In 2023, we proudly      continue to flourish as a destination.
        celebrated a milestone by welcoming over 7 mil-
        lion visitors for the first time. Recognising the vital   Thank you for your commitment to our city and
        role of the visitor economy, we strive to create      I wish that Athens will serve as an inspiring back-
        an experience that honours our cultural heritage      drop for a very successful 1st Global Meeting of
        while supporting the livelihoods of our citizens.     WTAAA and ECTAA.

        We are committed to shaping this journey togeth-      Let us move forward with purpose and vision.
        er, focusing on sustainable practices that enhance
        the lives of everyone who calls Athens home,
        whether for a short stay or a lifetime. By under-     Haris Doukas
        standing the dynamics of our city, we can  seize      The Mayor of Athens

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