P. 12
Βy Eric Dresin,
Secretary General
I am delighted to express the regard to influential players like IATA and the cruise
importance of holding a industry. Our representation spans more than 70 mar-
kets across every continent, giving us a broad perspec-
meeting in Greece, a leading tive and substantial influence. This extensive network
allows us to address shared challenges and capitalize on
destination in Europe and an global opportunities, working to ensure a fair, competi-
iconic symbol of cultural and tive, and resilient travel sector.
natural beauty. In particular, I am eager to learn more about the
initiatives being implemented in Greece to en-
Greece’s tourism sector remains a benchmark for hance the visibility of destinations across its regions.
many, and holding our discussions here enables us to Understanding how Greek stakeholders are innovating
draw inspiration from its success and explore strategies to promote regional destinations can inspire similar ac-
for replicating such appeal across other destinations. tions in other areas. This insight will be invaluable as we
Hosting our meeting in Greece provides the perfect continue working to ensure that all destinations, large
setting to address critical topics that are impacting and small, benefit from increased tourism interest.
travel agents worldwide.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the
Hellenic Association of Travel and Tourist Agencies
Cooperation between associations within the
World Travel Agents Associations Alliance (WTAAA) (HATTA), the Greek National Tourism Organization
is vital to effectively address the challenges facing our (GNTO), and Aegean Airlines for their generous sup-
industry on a global scale. These are challenging times, port of our meeting. Your commitment and hospitality
with evolving expectations from clients, rapidly chang- have been essential in making this gathering possible,
ing regulatory landscapes, and the significant impacts and we look forward to fostering even closer ties with
of international crises. WTAAA stands as a pivotal plat- Greece as we work to promote sustainable growth and
form for associations to unite, exchange best practic- resilience across the travel industry. As the Secretary
es, and work collaboratively to support our members of WTAAA, I am honored to lead this dialogue, and I
worldwide, equipping them to better serve travelers am confident that our collaboration will drive positive
everywhere. developments for travel agents worldwide.
As the only truly global organization represent-
ing travel agents, WTAAA is uniquely positioned to Eric Dresin,
advocate on behalf of the profession, particularly with Secretary General of ECTAA