P. 18
Βy Ioannis Georgizas
CEO, Let’s Athens
Develop Athens
Ladies and Gentlemen Our goal is to promote local culture and stimu-
late economic growth, recognizing that a balanced
Welcome to Athens! We are focus on visitor and community satisfaction is essential
for building a resilient tourism ecosystem that benefits
delighted to have you here, everyone.
and I look forward to building By serving as a bridge between local stakehold-
productive relationships as we ers and the tourism sector, Develop Athens ensures
that tourism development aligns with the city’s growth
discuss our important work in objectives. Our approach emphasizes sustainable prac-
tices that enhance the visitor experience while pre-
fostering the growth and sus- serving the quality of life for residents.
tainability of our historic city. We are currently leading a carrying capacity sur-
vey to navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead.
At Develop Athens, our mission is to enhance the Our commitment to a balanced approach will guide our
urban environment, preserve our rich heritage, and efforts to make Athens a premier destination while en-
create a livable framework that prioritizes sustainabili- suring it remains a vibrant and livable city for its res-
ty and community well-being. We manage funding and idents. Additionally, we are focused on engaging our
support various urban development projects that ben- local communities to create dynamic experiences that
efit both residents and visitors. celebrate Athenian culture, including events like the
This is Athens City Festival.
As the official Destination Marketing and Man-
agement Organization for the city, we understand As we move forward, we aim to strengthen partner-
that tourism is a vital driver of our economy. We have ships with stakeholders to promote sustainable growth
established Athens as a premier destination for con- and create unforgettable experiences for everyone
ferences, attracting events that showcase our human who visits Athens.
capital and facilitate knowledge transfer through our
work at This is Athens Convention and Visitors Bureau. Thank you for being here, and I look forward to our
Through “This is Athens,” our official visitors’ guide, discussions.
we focus on creating valuable content that enriches the
visitor experience while highlighting the city’s unique Warm regards,
cultural heritage. We are dedicated to managing the
visitor economy strategically, ensuring that the needs Ioannis Georgizas
of both visitors and the local community are met. CEO, Develop Athens