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service quality and passenger satisfaction,   Thanks to the airport’s top-notch
                AIA continues, during 2024, its investment    services, AIA has earned more than 120
                programme of aesthetic, functional and        significant international distinctions and
                operational enhancements at its premises.     awards. The airport community, with
                                                              more than 300 companies and 16,000
                Since 2016, Athens International Air-         employees, constitutes one of the biggest
                port is the 1st Carbon Neutral airport        “employment engines” in Greece, gener-
                in Greece and, as of 2019, through its        ating growth, jobs, and value.
                initiative “Route 2025”, AIA announced its
                official commitment to achieve Net Zero       AIA is a company listed on the Athens
                Carbon Emissions by 2025, 25 years ahead      Stock Exchange as of February 2024.
                of the target of 2050 set by ACI Europe.

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