Page 8 - iGREECE_ECTAA 2023
P. 8
Βy Myron Flouris,
Secretary General
of Hellenic Tourism
The green transition is promi- In addition, Blue Development-related projects con-
nently among the priorities of cern the improvement of maritime and coastal infra-
structure and include sub-projects regarding upgrades
the Greek National Recovery of tourist ports’ infrastructure and facilities, interven-
tions to improve governance, infrastructure and ser-
Plan for tourism, vices provided in marinas, actions to ensure beach ac-
cessibility for the elderly and disabled, as well as the
and it is reflected in the Annual Action Plan 2023 of the development of diving and underwater tourism].
Ministry of Tourism of Greece, which is in line with the
EU transition pathway for tourism and the UN 2030 Product development and promotion in the field
Agenda. Priority areas are strategic planning to ensure of thematic tourism (special forms of tourism) and ac-
optimal destination management and measuring and cessible tourism aiming at the mitigation of seasonal-
monitoring of sustainability in tourism to support this ity through product differentiation and balanced geo-
planning. graphical dispersion, stimulation of domestic tourism,
especially during the shoulder months (ongoing proj-
In particular, the Annual Action Plan 2023 of the ect: Tourism for All), upskilling and reskilling in tour-
Ministry of Tourism includes, inter alia, the implemen- ism, integrated management of short-term rentals, the
tation of projects aimed at a) the establishment and brand identity of the country and its promotion at bi-
implementation of the national strategy for sustainable lateral and multilateral level are also aligned with the
tourism development as well as the optimal manage- principles of sustainable tourism development and the
ment of the individual tourism destinations of the coun- advancement of the green tourism economy.
try, and b) measuring and monitoring sustainable tour-
ism development.
Regarding the first pillar, the Ministry of Tourism
has introduced new legislation (Law 4875/2021). Re-
ferring to measuring and monitoring sustainable tour-
ism development, the relevant projects include the es-
tablishment of TSA (Tourism Satellite Accounts) and
the National Observatory for Sustainable Tourism De-
velopment. A key objective is to measure sustainable Myron Flouris,
indicators at the national and regional levels. Secretary General of Hellenic Tourism