Page 12 - iGREECE_ECTAA 2023
P. 12
Βy Dimitris Fragkakis,
Secretary General
of G.N.T.O.
Greece is not only a Europeans’ Personally, I am delighted that we have the chance
to put our country into the spotlight once again and that
favorite tourism destination, but we place the Region of Attica in the European market.
it also attracts millions of visi- E.C.T.A.A. is a strategic partner of the G.N.T.O
tors from all over the world to promote Greece abroad. Actually, we share a long
– term collaboration. Greek tourism, alongside the
annually. E.C.T.A.A., pursues a strategy for extroversion, which
proves advantageous for all types of tourism products. I
The Greek National Tourism Organization focuses do have faith in the potential of tourist agencies and the
on expanding the duration of the vacation season and people involved as their experience has long contribut-
on spreading tourism flux in time and space aiming the ed to build trust with their customers in Europe. For
development of sustainable tourism. Furthermore, it us, these people are priceless associates and we defi-
studies the practices that it needs to adopt, in light of nitely intend to keep working together and achieve our
the recent climate crisis experienced in the Meditera- common goal ahead. As a matter of a fact, we currently
nean. plan to host in Greece the 1 st International Conven-
tion for Travel Agents in 2024! An awaited collabora-
We work on new campaigns, we promote new tour- tion that will advertise the country all over the world.
ism products, we support sustainability and we invest
on the authenticity of the unique experiences one may Greece offers an evolving, differentiating and mod-
live in our country, in any place, at any time of the year. ernizing tourism product, thus, I am truly optimistic re-
garding the perspectives of Greek tourism.
Attica represents a monumental region of Greece
whose history dates 6.000 years back. From the city
of Athens to the Athens Riviera, Attica demonstrates
an ‘open museum’ where world heritage monuments Dimitris Fragakis
coexist with contemporaneous cultural centers and fa- Secretary General of the Greek National
mous archeological sites with museums of modern arts. Tourism Organization