Page 18 - iGREECE_ECTAA 2023
P. 18
By Frank Oostdam,
President of ECTAA
The repeated wildfires and tor- Sustainable tourism practices should integrate,
as the tragedies of this summer showed, actions such
rential rain were the order of the as disaster preparedness and risk management, make
day in Greece this summer. It destinations more resilient in the face of crises, be it
natural disasters or global health emergencies.
demonstrates, if needed be, we Travelers are increasingly choosing destinations
can no longer look away from and businesses that prioritize sustainability. By adopt-
climate change. ing eco-friendly initiatives, the travel industry can en-
hance its reputation, attract responsible travellers, and
remain competitive in a changing market. Travelers are
Sustainability holds the power to shape the future also not just consumers; they are potential advocates
of the travel industry and our planet as a whole. for sustainability. When travellers experience sustain-
able practices firsthand, they become ambassadors for
Travel is a profound and transformative experi- change, spreading awareness and inspiring others to
ence. It allows us to explore new horizons, connect make conscious choices.
with diverse cultures, and create cherished memories.
However, the traveller and the industry also carries a Sustainability is not simply a burden but an op-
responsibility towards the destinations and the envi- portunity, a chance for the travel industry to evolve
ronment. and thrive in harmony with the planet. It is a chance
to create unforgettable experiences while preserving
In an era defined by climate change and environ- the very landscapes and cultures that make travel so
mental degradation, the travel industry must em- enriching. Together with the Greek National Tourism
brace sustainability as a guiding principle, not merely as Organisation, HATTA and Fedhatta, ECTAA delegates
an option but as an imperative. This commitment could will make it their business to share experiences and
take many forms. knowledge on sustainable tourism as a collective com-
mitment to a brighter, more responsible, and more in-
The travel industry is indeed a contributor to spiring future for the travel industry and for the world.
greenhouse gas emissions. However, promoting and
disseminating sustainable practices, such as investing in
renewable energy, energy-efficient transportation, and
carbon offset programs, can help reduce these emis- Frank Oostdam,
sions and mitigate climate change. President of ECTAA