Page 16 - iGreece_Thesssaly-ECTAA 2022
P. 16

Welcome to Thessaly

                 Experience spiritual elevation on Meteora (UNESCO World Heritage Site),
                 the towering stone pillars on which 24 byzantine monasteries lie.

                 Discover Mount Pelion,  where the Centaurs roamed and the ancient Greek gods
                 spent their summers.

                 Explore ancient theatres (in Larisa, Dimitriada, Phthiotidai Thebes, Ferai); Yeni
                 Mosque-the only one in Larisa; traditional villages (e.g. Tempi, Metaxochori, Ampela-
                 kia, Ellinopyrgos); and wonderful stone bridges (e.g. Pyli, Palaiokarya, Katafylli, Elassona).

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