Page 32 - iGreece_Thessaloniki-ECTAA 2022
P. 32

MAIN TOWNS                                    Airports
                 Distance from the International Airport      The airport of Thessaloniki, the Interna-
                 “MACEDONIA” of Thessaloniki                  tional Airport ‘Macedonia’  is one of  the
                                                              busiest airports in Greece, as well as be-
                 • VERIA: 101 km                              ing one of the most modern. This airport
                 • EDESSA: 109 km                             is a hub in the Region of Central Mace-
                 • KATERINI: 98,6 km                          donia for visitors from the rest of Greece
                 • KILKIS: 67,1 km                            and abroad.
                 • POLYGYROS: 51,9 km                         The airport is 13 km south-east of Thes-
                 • SERRES: 103 km                             saloniki in the area known as ‘Mikra’. Vis-
                 • THESSALONIKI: 16,5 km                      itors can travel in comfort and safety to

                                                              and from the Region, whether that be for
                 Olympus:                                     work or pleasure.
                                                              With  its  extended  check-in  areas,  de-
                 The “biosphere reserve”                      parture gates, new luggage management
                 Olympus, Greece’s highest mountain           safety systems, hyper-modern shopping
                 and known the world over in Greek            spaces and modern interior and exterior
                 Mythology as the ‘home of the twelve         design, Macedonia Airport presents all
                 ancient gods’.                               the most modern standards and raises the
                                                              traveller’s experience, making it now a
                 The first area where 50 years ago a special   contemporary gateway to the area.
                 protection status was applied to Greece
                 with it being named as a National Park
                 in 1938. The significance of the Park has
                 been recognised not only in Greece but       Ports
                 also in Europe and worldwide. In 1981        The port of Thessaloniki
                 UNESCO declared Mount Olympus a              The port of Thessaloniki is one of the larg-
                 Biosphere reserve’. The European Union       est ports in the country and one of the
                 has included Mount Olympus among the         largest  in  the  Aegean  basin.  The  port  is
                 ‘Important bird areas of Europe’.            principally for container traffic, being the

        Mount Olympus

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