P. 85

Tilos adopted the “Just Go Zero” pro-        even negative electricity bills (!), despite
                 gramme that named it the world’s first       the global energy crisis.
                 zero-waste certified island becoming the
                 first island in the European history that    While in Syros, the new Innovation Cen-
                 achieved an astonishing waste recycling      ter “Aegean Neorion Innovation Cen-
                 rate of 90 per cent, a world record.         ter - ANIC” opened its doors aiming at
                                                              human development and the improve-
                 In  Astypalea,  there is an application      ment of living conditions and quality of
                 that residents and visitors can call with    life.
                 their mobile phone an electric vehicle for
                 transportation. “e-Astypalea” is the first   “We are not just talking about ‘im-
                 “e-Mobility on Demand” application in        pact’ on the  lives  of  residents.  But a
                 our  country  to  achieve  the  goal  of  zero   revolution. A green revolution that would
                 emission mobility.                           not have broken out, like all revolutions,
                                                              without the active participation of local
                 In  Halki,  thanks to the  “GR-eco  Is-      communities”, says Mr. George Had-
                 lands” programme, the residents of the       jimarkos. “Our actions today will shape
                 island with Zero Carbon Footprint are the    the world of tomorrow” he adds.
                 only people on the planet who see zero or

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