P. 4
Βy Olga Kefalogianni,
of Hellenic Tourism
It is our great pleasure to tive destinations. We aim to extend the tourist sea-
welcome WTAAA and ECTAA son by promoting year-round activities and thematic
forms of tourism that entice travellers during off-peak
members to Greece for the months.
WTAAA General Assembly, Additionally, our goal is to offer experiences that en-
Board Meeting and Global able travellers to connect deeply with local environ-
ments, while showcasing the rich culture and vast di-
Gathering. versity of our country.
Athens and the wider region of Attica is a prime
This gathering of global tourism professionals example of this diversity. A destination that captivates
comes at a time when the travel industry is un- visitors not only through its history but also through its
dergoing profound changes. Now more than ever. dynamic, cosmopolitan atmosphere. It offers a unique
collaboration is essential as we collectively chart blend of cultural heritage, world-renowned monu-
the path forward. ments, a stunning stretch of coastline, world-class hos-
pitality offerings, and a vibrant urban culture.
Together, we are navigating a period of transfor-
mation, driven by global challenges, new technologies, I would like to thank WTAAA and ECTAA for
shifting traveler preferences, and a growing awareness choosing Greece as the host country for this important
of sustainability. meeting. Your expertise and vision continue to shape
the future of travel, and this gathering offers a unique
At this critical juncture, and during a period of un- opportunity to address the key challenges and oppor-
precedented high performance in tourism, Greece is tunities that lie ahead.
committed to positioning itself as a leader in sustain-
able tourism. I wish you all a productive and inspiring event,
confident that the knowledge exchanged will leave a
We implement policies and promote practices lasting impact and help shape a more sustainable, inno-
that aim to preserve our natural and cultural heritage vative, and inclusive future for global tourism.
while also empowering local communities.
To that end, we are working to enrich our tourism Olga Kefalogianni,
offerings and highlight lesser-known but equally attrac- Minister of Hellenic Tourism