Page 8 - iGREECE_WTAAA 2024
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Andrew Bowman Otto de Vries
Chair Executive Director
Kalos irthate! Their dedication and commitment have made it
possible for us to come together in this stunning loca-
tion, setting the perfect stage for productive and en-
Welcome to the World Travel gaging discussions.
Agents Associations Alliance Over the coming days, let’s embrace this time to-
General Assembly and Board gether to share insights, explore new strategies and
build on our shared mission to support and enhance
Meeting. the global travel industry.
It is a thrill to be able to gather here in beautiful Together, we can shape the future of travel and make
Anavyssos, Greece, from 6 to 9 November 2024. it more resilient, innovative and accessible for all.
Thank you for being here and contributing to
This combined meeting once again provides an op-
portunity to not only strengthen our connections and making this gathering a memorable and impactful
discuss the evolving landscape of travel, but also expe- one.
rience the rich culture and history of Greece.
Our heartfelt gratitude is extended to the Feder- Kind regards,
ation of Hellenic Associations of Travel & Tourist
Agencies (FedHATTA) and the Hellenic Association of
Travel and Tourist Agencies (HATTA), as well as their Andrew Bowman
partners: the Greek National Tourism Organisation Chair
(GNTO), the Region of South Aegean, Aegean Airlines, WTAAA
the Athens International Airport (AIA), the City of Ath-
ens under the auspices of the Municipality of Athens, Otto de Vries
and the Thessaloniki Tourism Organisation, for their Executive Director
generous support and impeccable hosting of this event. WTAAA