P. 19

Cruise port destinations in Greece


                T        he metropolis of Thessaloniki has    tine churches and other significant monu-

                         a population of over a million and
                                                              ments from the past.
                         is the biggest city in the north-
                         ern part of Greece. It is built by
                 Thermaïkos and Strymonikos Gulf, on          Thessaloniki is a busy, bustling city at all
                                                              times of the day but especially at night
                 fertile grounds resting beside the Rivers    when it becomes brighter and colourful.
                 of Axios, Gallikos and Loudias, as well as
                 the lakes Koroneia and Volvi.                Jaunt around Thessaloniki’s port where
                                                              the customs and warehouse buildings
                 Findings prove that Thessaloniki has been    (built in 1910) are home to the Photog-
                 inhabited since prehistoric times, marked    raphy and Cinema Museums but are also
                 by multiculturalism, yet its present day     used as venues for the International Film
                 modernised state is charmingly inter-        Festival.
                 twined with archaeological sites, byzan-


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