Page 10 - iGreece_Athens WTAAA 2022
P. 10

By Lars Thykier,

                                                              Chairman of  WTAAA

        It is with a great  pleasure that                     beyond Athens historical appeal, the city combines col-
                                                              orful markets, delicious food, a wide array of cultur-
        I’ll be chairing the next WTAAA                       al offerings, a vibrant nightlife and wonderful people.
        annual meeting in Athens                              To help travelers discover and make the make of this
                                                              diversified and everchanging offer is the role of travel
        (on 28 -29 November 2022).                            advisors. It’s therefore no surprise to me that Athens
                                                              remains on top of the list of desired destinations in the
        Many reasons make this meeting                        world.

        special and important:                                Finally, I have to thank our colleagues from Fed-

                                                              HATTA, without whom this meeting would have not
        First of all, Athens will be the place of the first   taken place. The proposal FedHATTA made a year ago
        in-person meeting that our organisation has been able   to host our annual meeting will now materialise and
        to convene since 2019. As we all know, COVID com-     I am convinced that all the member organisations of
        pletely put international gatherings on hold for more   WTAAA will enjoy a memorable meeting and spread
        than two years. While the travel industry faced a dra-  the word around:
        matic situation, global organisations such as WTAAA   “For business or leisure… go to (Athens and)
        had to organise intense dialogue and efficient coop-  Greece and Athens. The sooner, the better!
        eration between the various world regions online, i.e.
        without being able to meet face-to-face. I am very
        proud that WTAAA managed this challenging period
        successfully with active participation of members in on-
        line meetings. However I am equally happy to see this
        period coming to an end and welcome delegates from
        most of the world in Athens.

        The second reason why it is a pleasure to be in
        (Athens) Greece is Athens (itself). This city is a per-
        fect location to welcome international guests working   Lars Thykier,
        in the travel and tourism around the World: Above and   Chairman of  WTAAA

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