Visit the USA

The US travel market is of primary importance to the Greek tourism industry, and therefore a strategic priority for FedHATTA. At FedHATTA we continuously seek to build and expand on our already excellent cooperation with the US.
FedHATTA has a long established and proven relationship with ASTA, the American Association of Travel Advisors. This led to the extremely successful ASTA Destination Expo held in Athens in April, 2018, where hundreds of American travel professionals had a chance to learn about Greece in a personal way, and to network with their Greek counterparts.
Capitalizing on this success, FedHATTA organized a B2B roadshow, with the support of North Events and ASTA, that went to New York, Washington DC and Boston in May of 2018. This was followed by further roadshows, most recently to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego in February, 2019.
In the spring of 2019, ASTA is returning to Greece this time to feature Rhodes as an ASTA International Showcase. This opens up further opportunities to build new business for the Greek tourism industry and our members.
Bringing more Americans to visit Greece is of primary importance, but as travel agents the US market is also important to us and we want to do more to help our clients become familiar with the plethora of US destinations. With this in mind, and with a view and a drive to strengthen relations further, we have been having discussions with the Commercial Section of the US Embassy in Athens to work with Brand USA, the destination marketing organization for the United States, to feature their inspiration guide and link to the VisitTheUSA website on our FedHATTA website and continue to explore further avenues for continuing our fruitful cooperation.
We also appreciate the contribution of the three American carriers offering direct service to Greece, and look forward to a further expansion of their flights in the off-season.