Travel agencies play key role in boosting travel flows between Shanghai and Athens

At a networking event organized by the Chinese airline Juneyao Airlines, which took place on Thursday, January 23, Lysandros Tsilidis, president of FedHATTA, represented the Greek travel agency sector.
The event included key stakeholders in Greek tourism, hosted by the CEO of the airline group, Cheng Ji Yu, the Mayor of Shanghai, Zheng Gong, and the Chinese Ambassador to Greece, Fang Qiu. Both Mr. Cheng Ji Yu and Mr. Zheng Gong presented Mr. Tsilidis with a plaque of honor. Tsilidis, expressing the need to strengthen relations between the tourism offices of Greece and China, as an essential vehicle for increasing tourist flows between the two countries, including commercial trips and trips for the movement of crews in shipping.
Moreover, as Mr. Tsilidis stated: “The outreach efforts of FedHATTA have intensified in recent times with the aim of strengthening the travel flow between Greece and China. We have ongoing contact with delegations from the different regions of China. We are very optimistic about the outcomes of these meetings, given that China is one of the largest and most qualitative outbound tourism markets in the world.”
It should be noted that the airline Juneyao started seasonal direct flights between Shanghai and Athens last year, which will continue this year.