FedHATTA’s COVID Committee meets with MEP and former Minister of Tourism Elena Kountoura

On Saturday, 18 April 2020, the COVID Coordinating Committee of FedHATTA, represented by Lysandros Tsilidis (President of FedHATTA), Nicholas Kelaiditis (President of HATTA), Markos Spyromilios (Vice President of HATTA), Marios Kammenos (Vice President of HATTA and Treasurer of ECTAA), met online with the former Minister of Tourism and now MEP Elena Kountoura, for a timely and constructive discussion regarding the problems that have accumulated in the tourism sector, due to COVID, and the actions that are possible and necessary for its safe restart as soon as possible. The discussion was also attended by the director of Ms. Kountoura’s office in Athens, Ms. Makedonia Koutsoumbeli, and her associate in the European Parliament, Mr. Savvas Parselias.