Cooperation Agreement with South Korea to strengthen the tourism flows bilaterally

The Cooperation Agreement signed by the HATTA Association with the Korean Association of Travel Agents, KATA (Korea Association Travel Agents), is expected to contribute to a new boost in the two-way tourism flows between Greece and South Korea.
The signing of the Agreement is the product of preparatory work and extensive discussions that HATTA had the opportunity to conduct with the tourism associations from around the world, at the the major conference of the World Travel Agency Associations Alliance, WTAAA, held 28-29 November 2022 in Athens.
The aim of the Cooperation Agreement is the cooperation of the contracting tourism operators in supporting and strengthening bilateral tourism development, according to the capabilities of each operator and in relation to the legal framework of the two countries.
This cooperation includes, among other things, the exchange of information in the field of tourism and on objects of common interest, the strengthening of cooperation between the authorities responsible for the management of tourism markets and the facilitation of professional contacts with the aim of developing partnerships.