CΟVID-19: Social Responsibility Issues

FEDHatta would like to inform you that to support the measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, we are working remotely until further notice, with only essential tasks being seen to in the office.
The safety of our employees and partners must come first, but we are committed to providing uninterrupted service and support of our clients and stakeholders. We will be fully available and plan to continue our work as usual, except that we will be it doing remotely.
The sooner we can control what is now officially a pandemic, the sooner we can return to business as usual, making it imperative for everyone to act responsibly. These are trying times, especially for our friends in China and Italy, and the impact worldwide, especially in the tourism industry is bound to be severe.
We ask for your understanding in our effort to control the spread of the virus in our country and ask you to share the responsibility by doing your part.
Meanwhile, we remain at your service.